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Cuidados de Matrona en la segunda fase del parto y la reducción del trauma del tracto genital al nacer: un ensayo aleatorizado. Midwifery Care Measures in the Second Stage of Labor and Reduction of Genital Tract Trauma at Birth: A Randomized Trial

por Leah L. Albers, CNM, DrPH, Kay D. Sedler, CNM, MN, Edward J. Bedrick, PhD, Dusty Teaf, MA, and Patricia Peralta Midwifery Care Measures in the Second Stage of Labor and Reduction of Genital Tract Trauma at Birth: A Randomized Trial. Última modificación 27/11/2010 00:42
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ARTICULO ORIGINAL: Este estudio aleatorizado 1.211 mujeres sanas en los cuidados de MATRONA en la Universidad de hospital de Nueva México para la enseñanza de una de las tres medidas de cuidados al final de la segunda fase del parto: 1) compresas calientes en la zona perineal, 2) masaje con lubricante, o 3) no se tocar el periné hasta la coronación de la cabeza del bebé. El objetivo fue evaluar si alguna de estas medidas se asoció con menores niveles de trauma obstétrico



Genital tract trauma following spontaneous vaginal childbirth is common, and evidence-based prevention measures have not been identified, beyond minimizing the use of episiotomy. This study randomized 1211 healthy women in midwifery care at the University of New Mexico teaching hospital to one of three care measures late in the second stage of labor:1) warm compresses to the perineal area, 2) massage with lubricant, or 3) no touching of the perineum until crowning of the infant’s head. The purpose was to assess whether any of these measures was associated with lower levels of obstetric trauma. After each birth, the clinical midwife recorded demographic, clinical care, and outcome data, including the location and extent of any genital tract trauma. The frequency distribution of genital tract trauma was equal in all three groups. Individual women and their clinicians should decide whether to use these techniques based on maternal comfort and other considerations.

Keywords: childbirth, midwifery, perineal management, genital tract trauma, perineal trauma

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